About me

My name is Kehinde O. Ayeyemi, and I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at St. Cloud State University. My aspiration is to leverage my skills and knowledge in computer science to create innovative solutions that have a meaningful impact on society. I am passionate about using technology to address real-world problems, enhance people's lives, and foster community well-being. Throughout my academic journey and various internships, I have built a strong technical toolkit that includes JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C++, Python, React, and SQL.


A notification bell


A full-stack web application designed to help prevent food waste. This project was part of my internship with the SEO Tech Developer Cohort, where I gained over 300 hours of advanced training in software engineering. The motivation behind Remindish was to address the significant issue of food waste by providing users with a tool to manage their food inventory and set reminders for items nearing their expiration dates.

Weather-Based Employee Scheduling System

The Weather-Based Employee Scheduling System leverages the forecast functionality of the Weather API to optimize staffing for a retail store with part-time employees. By deriving key weather attributes such as temperature (in Fahrenheit and Celsius), humidity, wind speed, weather conditions, and country, this tool predicts customer volume based on weather forecasts. Good weather typically leads to higher customer turnout, necessitating more staff, while bad weather results in fewer customers and fewer employees needed. This system helps employers plan ahead, ensuring efficient scheduling and maximizing profit. Users input their city and the desired date, and the system provides staffing recommendations based on the forecasted weather..

My Resume

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